
Leadership Kentucky Store

 Are you interested in showing off Leadership Kentucky? Were you really in the "best class ever" if you don't have a sweatshirt to prove it? Check out Leadership Kentucky's new store! You can purchase sweatshirts, polos, and bags with the Leadership Kentucky or BRIGHT logo on them.

Click here to visit our online store. 

*Special Note: Items are made to order. The estimated delivery time is approximately two weeks.

Norton Healthcare
Pikeville Medical Center
Kentucky Power
US Bank
RunSwitch PR
Stites & Harbison, PLLC
Republic Bank
Whitaker Bank
Putting Kentuckians First and Reentry with the Kentucky Office Of Adult Education and the Education and Labor Cabinet
CHI St Joseph Healthcare
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
Forcht Broadcasting Radio & Digital
Delta Dental
Whitaker Bank Foundation
St. Elizabeth Healthcare
Tennessee Valley Authority
AT&T Kentucky
Baptist Health System Foundation
Dean Dorton
Humana Foundation
BE NKY Growth Partnership