Elevate Kentucky in Louisville

Posted on: May 23, 2017
Tags: Session Review

The inaugural Elevate Kentucky class met for its final session in Louisville on May 10th and 11th. The sessions theme was “Improve your state” with speakers, topics and experiences aimed at allowing these leaders to become informed about issues in Kentucky and ways to get involved within their own communities.

The session began with a visit to Louisville Stoneware, where the class took a tour and had the opportunity to paint their own mug. Next up, Tom Owen (PhD, Former Louisville Metro Councilman, City Historian and Archivist at the University of Louisville Library) guided us on a tour from Preston Street to 10th Street in the Main Street Corridor. Tom informed the class of so many uniquely Louisville things: cast iron structures, flood walls and stories of the past.

Day one concluded at Over the Nine. This location is the start of an expansion project in downtown Louisville and featured a Kentucky Legislative Update from Sherman Brown (Principal, McCarthy Strategic Solutions) and Les Fugate (Executive VP of RunSwitch PR) who discussed the legislative landscape and how leaders can get involved without holding an elected position. Next up, Ryan Quarles (Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner) touched on the importance of Kentucky Proud products and his path to office. Finally, we finished the day with Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer who emphasized the importance of a compassionate city.

Day two kicked off with Greg Nielsen (Executive Director of the Center for Non-Profit Excellence) with helpful tips on how to get involved and how to be a good board member. Following Greg, a media panel discussion focused on the current state of newspaper and traditional media and how to effectively convey today’s stories.

Moving on, Scott Martin (Parks Director for the Parklands of Floyds Park) discussed the importance of parks and how these green spaces can create community. Soon after, the class boarded a bus and headed to the Muhammed Ali Center.

We ended the Elevate sessions at The Henry Clay where a graduation ceremony was held. Trey Grayson (President and CEO of NKY Chamber of Commerce) and Rick Hesterberg (Toyota) spoke at the ceremony.  Our time together ended with a reception and dinner and guest speaker Matt Jones of Kentucky Sports Radio.

The inaugural class of Elevate graduated on May 11th. These leaders are excellent examples of young professionals in Kentucky that are looking to improve our state. We are eternally thankful for their trust in our program and for the impact they will make on Kentucky throughout their careers.

Thanks to our Elevate Louisville Sponsors: Toyota, Delta Dental, Kentucky Proud, LG&E-KU, Perfection Group, Heritage Bank, Mary Michael Corbett, RunSwitch PR, Crushed Ice Catering, The Ali Center and Louisville Stoneware.



Norton Healthcare
Pikeville Medical Center
Kentucky Power
US Bank
RunSwitch PR
Stites & Harbison, PLLC
Republic Bank
Whitaker Bank
Putting Kentuckians First and Reentry with the Kentucky Office Of Adult Education and the Education and Labor Cabinet
CHI St Joseph Healthcare
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
Forcht Broadcasting Radio & Digital
Delta Dental
Whitaker Bank Foundation
St. Elizabeth Healthcare
Tennessee Valley Authority
AT&T Kentucky
Baptist Health System Foundation
Dean Dorton
Humana Foundation
BE NKY Growth Partnership