October Connections 2017

Posted on: October 5, 2017


A note from Janice Way, President:

Thank you for an incredible turnout at the Maker's Mark Alumni Reception. We hope you enjoyed spending time with old friends, meeting new ones, the opportunity to see the Chihuly art and sip on some Maker's!

October is a busy month of programming for LKY! We continue to ask you to spread the word about ELEVATE and encourage young leaders you know to APPLY. We are now accepting NOMINATIONS for the Leadership Kentucky Class of 2018. Please click here to nominate a great person for next year's class! 

Our next alumni reunion will be the Annual Luncheon on January 4th, 2018 at Keeneland in Lexington, KY. We're mixing up the event a bit and hope you will be able to join us for a great day featuring a behind the scenes Keeneland tour, Flame of Excellence presentation and lunch. 

Be sure to note these important dates below. We look forward to seeing you at the Annual Luncheon in January!

Important Dates:
September 1: Elevate 2018 Applications Available
October 1: Nominations for LKY 2018 open!
October 11-13: Leadership Kentucky Session in Eddyville and Hopkinsville
November 8-10: Leadership Kentucky Session in Hazard and Manchester
December 4-6: Leadership Kentucky Graduation Session in Lexington and Danville
January 4, 2018: Annual Luncheon and behind-the-scenes event at Keeneland. RSVP now!

Annual Luncheon at Keeneland

January 4th, 2018
Lexington, KY

RSVP today for the
Annual Luncheon on January 4th, 2018 at Keeneland in Lexington, KY!

 The Annual Luncheon will begin at noon to allow plenty of time for an exclusive and exciting behind-the-scenes tour of Keeneland, lunch and Flame of Excellence award presentation to Bill Jones, U.S. Bank executive and 1987 LKY Alum from Paducah.  Tickets are $75 and guests are welcome. 

In coordination with the Kentucky Chamber, our Annual Alumni Luncheon will be held on the same day as "Chamber Day" and will conclude mid-afternoon so guests can participate in both events.

Applications for ELEVATE are OPEN!

Do you know a great young leader at your work or in your community? Are you an Elevate grad with a co-worker who would greatly benefit from this program? Spread the word and encourage them to apply!
ELEVATE is a three session program that offers young professionals in-depth personal and professional development in Owensboro, Morehead and Lexington.

(Tuition covers hotel accommodations, meals and program materials.)
Elevate 2017 at Graduation

Alumni News and Notes

  • Steve Wilson (2002), founder of 21c Museum Hotels, selected to U.S. Equestrian Team (The Lane Report)
  • Trey Grayson (2002) joins Frost Brown Todd and its CivicPoint consulting firm (NKY Tribune)
  • Hal Goode (2004) has been named COO for the Danville-Boyle County Economic Development Partnership.
  • Rhonda Whitaker (2004) has been named chair of the NKY Chamber of Commerce. (NKY Tribune)
  • Kevin Mays (2005) has been named business development executive for Carr, Riggs & Ingram.
  • Juan Castro (2005) has been appointed to the Eastern Kentucky University board of regents.
  • Shae Hopkins (2006), CEO of KET, to co-chair Organization of State Broadcast Executives Board of Directors (KY Forward)
  • Kennan Wethington (2006) has been named president of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Kentucky, President Deb Moessner (2002) to retire in October (The Lane Report)
  • Tierra Kavanaugh Wayne named to Louisville Business First Forty Under 40 Hall of Fame (Biz Journals)
  • David Deborde (2017) with Member's Choice Credit Union selected as a top 50 "Rock Star" across the nation by the Credit Union Magazine (in October issue).
Send news, notes and updates to lky@leadershipky.org.

#LKY17 in Frankfort and Georgetown

The Leadership Kentucky Class of 2017 convened again for its fourth session in Frankfort, Georgetown, and Lexington, Kentucky from September 13 through 15, 2017. The class spent a full day in the Annex and the Capitol hearing from legislative leaders, visiting with Governor Matt Bevin, and a performance by Henry Clay at the Old State Capitol. The session ended with an inspiring visit at God's Pantry Food Bank and a visit to Toyota featuring guest speaker Governor Martha Layne Collins. Read more here. Next up? Hopkinsville and Eddyville.

Leadership Kentucky 2017 in Frankfort + Georgetown
 (Click video to play!)

Annual Alumni Dues

As 2017 comes to a close, we'd like to encourage you, if you haven't already, to consider paying your annual alumni dues. These dues directly benefit programming, participants and initiatives. If you'd prefer to pay via check or would like to receive an invoice, please e-mail lky@leadershipky.org. Thank you!
Pay Alumni Dues

Norton Healthcare
Pikeville Medical Center
Kentucky Power
US Bank
RunSwitch PR
Stites & Harbison, PLLC
Republic Bank
Whitaker Bank
Putting Kentuckians First and Reentry with the Kentucky Office Of Adult Education and the Education and Labor Cabinet
CHI St Joseph Healthcare
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
Forcht Broadcasting Radio & Digital
Delta Dental
Whitaker Bank Foundation
St. Elizabeth Healthcare
Tennessee Valley Authority
AT&T Kentucky
Baptist Health System Foundation
Dean Dorton
Humana Foundation
BE NKY Growth Partnership