September Connections Newsletter

Posted on: September 8, 2017


A note from Janice Way, President:
 As fall arrives, we know that means a busy schedule ahead for Leadership Kentucky and opportunities for alums to reconnect. We hope you will RSVP for the special Maker's Mark Alumni Reception on September 20.  We also are asking you to spread the word about ELEVATE and encourage young leaders you know to apply (see details below). 

As excited as we are about the upcoming season, we can't help but reflect on a great summer! Just last month we visited Maysville and heard from Miss America 2000 Heather French Henry and went underground at Carmeuse Lime and Stone. Next week, we're headed to Frankfort and Georgetown for the Government and Industry session on September 14 and 15. A special thank you to the alums who are speaking and those who helped to organize the day. 

Finally, we are always looking for news and updates about our incredible alumni. Please share accomplishments, awards or celebrations with us! 

Be sure to note these important dates below. We look forward to seeing you in Loretto!

Important Dates:
September 1: Elevate 2018 Applications Available
September 14-15: Leadership Kentucky Session in Frankfort and Georgetown
September 20: Alumni Reception at Maker's Mark (RSVP Now!)
October 12-13: Leadership Kentucky Session in Eddyville and Hopkinsville
November 30: ELEVATE Application Deadline


Alumni Reception at Maker's Mark

As a graduate of Leadership Kentucky or ELEVATE, you are invited to an exclusive alumni reception at Maker's Mark Distillery in Loretto, KY on September 20th from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m

You will have the opportunity to go on a distillery tour, sample bourbon, enjoy hors d'oeuvres and network with friends over a cash bar.

Also, enjoy the art of world-renowned glass artist Dale Chihuly with a limited-run special exhibition throughout the distillery grounds. 
Click to RSVP!

ELEVATE Applications

Applications for ELEVATE are OPEN!

Do you know a great young leader at your work or in your community? Are you an Elevate grad with a co-worker who would greatly benefit from this program? Spread the word and encourage them to apply!

ELEVATE is a three session program that offers young professionals in-depth personal and professional development in Owensboro, Morehead and Lexington.

(The application deadline is November 30th. Tuition covers hotel accommodations, meals and program materials.)
Click for Elevate Application
Elevate Class of 2017

#LKY17 in Maysville

The Leadership Kentucky Class of 2017 met in beautiful Maysville, KY in August for another great session. Highlights include going 920 feet underground in a Limestone mine, touring The East Kentucky Power Plant and International Paper, a farm-to-table dinner and exceptional speakers. Check out the video below for a snapshot of Maysville. 

Leadership Kentucky 2017 in Maysville
 (Click video to play!)

Annual Alumni Dues

If you haven't already, please consider paying your annual alumni dues. These dues directly benefit programming, participants and initiatives. If you'd prefer to pay via check or would like to receive an invoice, please e-mail Thank you!
Click to Pay Alumni Dues

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