May Connections Newsletter

Posted on: May 7, 2018


A note from Janice Way, President:

Thanks to those of you who participated in the Alumni Survey last month.  You gave us great feedback for planning future alumni activities.  The LKY Board of Directors and staff are reviewing all the responses and will share your suggestions in upcoming newsletters. 
Even though it’s only May, we are starting to plan for 2019 and the 35th Anniversary of Leadership Kentucky!  One important way to help ensure you receive communication about all the festivities is to ensure we have your correct contact information. You will see a link below to update your info.
Leadership Kentucky and the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce Executives (KCCE) recently hosted about 30 representatives from local leadership programs around the state for a day of networking, idea sharing, and brainstorming about ways to work together on leadership programming initiatives.  The day was so well-received, it is planned to become an annual event!
Also included this month, see the video from the Orientation Session for the 2018 Elevate Class and a reminder about the generous donation from Elmer Whitaker.


2018 Annual Alumni Dues

It's time to pay your 2018 Alumni Dues! Dues directly benefit programming, participants and initiatives for this year's Elevate and LKY Sessions. If you'd like to receive an invoice or pay via check, please e-mail Thank you!
Click to Pay Alumni Dues
A reminder of our exciting news!  Leadership Kentucky’s board chair, Elmer Whitaker, is making an extremely generous contribution to assist class members and enhance programming for decades to come.  With an initial donation of $60,000, Elmer is creating a scholarship fund to assist LKY candidates from Eastern Kentucky.  He is also committing to a match of up to an additional $100,000 to encourage others to support the fund. Matching donations should be received by November 1.  When the full amount is reached, investment income from the fund will support scholarships and programming that will enrich leadership opportunities in the Eastern Kentucky region.  Many of you may be interested in helping with this initiative.  Please feel free to contact Elmer or me for additional information regarding the intent and how to contribute to the fund. Those interested in supporting a similar initiative in other parts of the state can reach out to me for details on how to create a fund.  Thank you, Elmer!
Alumni Information Update

Leadership Kentucky's 35th Anniversary is coming up in 2019! We are updating our database and intend to have it available for the celebration. We know that many of you have changed jobs or moved in recent years.  Please take a minute to provide your current information below. We hope to see you at the anniversary events!  Please provide your current information here.
Click to Update Information

Alumni News and Notes

  • Linda Rumpke (1998) has been promoted to vice president of External and Customer Affairs for Columbia Gas of Kentucky (The Lane Report)
  • Juan Castro (2005) has been appointed to Town Branch Park Partners, a community group tasked with ensuring that inclusion and access are integral to the design, programming and operations of Town Branch Park (The Lane Report). 
  • Emerson Goodwin (2016) is now serving on the St. Louis District Federal Reserve Bank, Louisville Branch Board of Directors (St. Louis Fed). 
Send news, notes and updates to

ELEVATE in Owensboro

The Elevate Class of 2018 met for the first time in Owensboro from April 18-20.  The class members enjoyed all that Owensboro has to offer: tours of the waterfront, the Owensboro Riverport Authority, Moonlite Bar-B-Q, cocktails at The Miller House and events at the International Bluegrass Music Museum and the Owensboro Symphony. The class also had plenty of professional development and networking opportunities - with Predictive Index training from The Oliver Group and guidance in finding their personal "mission statement." Check out the video for highlights!

Leadership Kentucky 2018 

The Leadership Kentucky Class of 2018 has been selected. Be on the lookout for the official class announcement next month!

2018 Session Dates & Locations
June 13-15
: Berea

July 18-20: Louisville
August 15-17: Paducah + Eddyville
September 12-14: Bowling Green + Fort Campbell
October 17-19: Pikeville
November 14-16: Frankfort + Lexington
December 5-7: Northern Kentucky

Elevate 2018
The Elevate Class of 2018 in Owensboro. If you look closely, you can see the bridge and waterfront in the backgound! 
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Norton Healthcare
Pikeville Medical Center
Kentucky Power
US Bank
RunSwitch PR
Stites & Harbison, PLLC
Republic Bank
Whitaker Bank
Putting Kentuckians First and Reentry with the Kentucky Office Of Adult Education and the Education and Labor Cabinet
CHI St Joseph Healthcare
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
Forcht Broadcasting Radio & Digital
Delta Dental
Whitaker Bank Foundation
St. Elizabeth Healthcare
Tennessee Valley Authority
AT&T Kentucky
Baptist Health System Foundation
Dean Dorton
Humana Foundation
BE NKY Growth Partnership